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While most patients see a significant improvement following their first session, many tattoos will need several treatments for satisfactory results. Unfortunately, there are so many deciding factors that go into how easy or difficult it is to remove a tattoo (ink colors, complexity, ink depth, scarring, ect) that it’s impossible to generalize how many treatments an individual may need.

While there is some discomfort associated with treatment, most patients find it tolerable, the sessions are typically very short. For those who are more sensitive to pain or nervous about the experience, medical grade numbing cream is applied.

YES! The laser is approved and overall very safe for all patients.

Like tattoo removal, the exact number of treatments needed will depend on the patient. However, the average patient needs 3-4 treatments with the piqo4 laser in order to see favorable results, some may need more some may need less.

The PiQo4 laser uses four wavelengths instead of two, increasing the number of colors that can be treated during tattoo removals. The laser also treats a larger area at a time than other lasers, making the treatments safer, quicker, and easier on the skin.

Typically four weeks apart giving the skin time to heal and unwanted pigmentation to break down.

  • Plump thin lips
  • Enhance shallow contours
  • Soften facial creases and wrinkles
  • Improve the appearance of recessed scars
  • Reconstruct contour deformities in the face
  • Decrease or remove the shadow of the lower lids

Dermal fillers can be very helpful in those with early signs of aging, or as a value-added part of facial rejuvenation surgery.

  • For some patients, surgery such as a faceliftbrow lift or eye lift may be the best approach. Minimally invasive rejuvenation treatments, such as soft tissue fillers, cannot achieve the same results, but may help delay the time when consideration of a facelift becomes appropriate. It is important to remember that dermal fillers are temporary treatments for facial aging and that ongoing treatments will be needed for long-term results.

    For pricing, proxies vary depending on the type of filler you are getting and the amount. We also participate with Alle which offers clients rebates, and we also offer care credit- please contact us for full details!

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